
Foods to Improve Platelet Count and Speed up Recovery from Dengue

Foods to Improve Platelet Count and Speed up Recovery from Dengue
  • PublishedSeptember 3, 2023


Dengue fever rates are growing nationwide, and although the majority of cases are minor, there are still risks of a few developing significant symptoms and side effects of the infection including haemorrhagic fever and a quick decrease in platelet count. Platelets or thrombocytes are small cell fragments in our blood that form clots and halt bleeding. They are generated in the sponge-like bone marrow that fills our bones. The typical platelet count of 1.5 lakh to 4 lakhs might decrease to 20,000 40,000 platelets in cases of dengue infection. Sometimes blood transfusions are used to increase platelet count. However, one may also supplement their diet with vital minerals like iron, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C, vitamin K, and vitamin B12.

At a time when the dengue counts are fast growing in the country, it is important for everyone to know what they should be doing to recover from this disease. Take a look at the below-mentioned diet that will help you increase your platelet count after catching the virus.

What Diet You Should Follow To Recover From Dengue?

Give a boost to your immune system by eating seasonal meals, drinking sufficient of water and avoiding wayside food. Here are professional strategies to avoid dengue. Food groups must be introduced in the diet plan during this season and in dengue to build up immunity and keep infections at bay are as follows:

The Role of Fluids:

Plenty of fluids, drinkable water is as crucial as consuming warm, mixtures, herbal teas, broths and and soups should be drunk to boost immunity. Along with these heated beverages, cooling liquids like lemon water, buttermilk or lassie, coconut water etc. are also good. These beverages are rehydrating that maintain electrolyte balance, detoxifies the system and necessary for creating a powerful immune system.

The Nutritional Power of Fruits:

Adding seasonal fruits such jamun, pears, plum, cherries, peaches, papaya, apples, and pomegranates helps achieving the increased needs of nutrients like vitamins A, C, antioxidants, and fiber. These fruits helps in improving digestion, maintain gut flora and activates the immunological response.

The Importance of Vegetables:

Seasonal and various coloured vegetables should be made part of your daily diet to support healthy gut health and immunological function. Various vitamins found in various coloured veggies like Vitamin A, C along with minerals like Zinc, magnesium etc. are excellent antioxidants and offer the immunity.

Spices for Immune Support:

Spices and herbs such as turmeric, ginger, garlic, pepper, cinnamon, cardamom, and nutmeg are blessed with anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial, anti-bacterial and immune-boosting effects. They operate incredibly well to support the immune system by controlling immune cells like T-cells that enables the body to fight against the invaders. Add these spices freely in your usual meals during this season and enhance your general wellness.

Nuts for Protein and Nutrient Boost:

Nuts and seeds are filled in proteins, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Proteins and amino acid are the fundamental building blocks of body and helps maintain the GI tract and immune system healthy. They boost immunological processes via stimulation of immune cell functions, proliferation of immune cells and generation of antibodies.

Probiotics for Gut Health:

Choose for yogurt, buttermilk, cheese kefir, kombucha, and soybeans. Probiotics are filled with healthy bacteria that operate on our digestive system and promote immunity.


It is important to note that while this diet plan can be beneficial, it should be used alongside appropriate medical care. Consulting with a healthcare professional is crucial to ensure that the diet plan aligns with individual needs and medical conditions.



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